Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy National Doughnut Day!

National Doughnut Day!

That's right, according to the most reliable wiki the first Friday of June each year is National Doughnut Day.  The day originated back in 1938 by the Salvation Army in honor of the women who served doughnuts to soldiers during WWI.  Shops like Kripsy Kreme and Dunkin' Donuts participated in this grand holiday by giving away free doughnuts!...  Just shooting some knowledge your way. You're welcome.

I'm already a fan of random holidays, so giving me a holiday that involves food and you know I'm celebrating.  I got my free chocolate with sprinkles doughnut from Kripsy Kreme but then I saw they had a new Key Lime doughnut and I had to try it!  Just doing my part.  Doughnuts aren't usually one of my daily eats, nor are they diet friendly, but hey, it's Friday and I can't turn down a holiday.

Hope you celebrated today, I know I did.

Do you prefer the spelling 'doughnut' or 'donut'?  As seen by this post I prefer the spelling 'doughnut'...even if it takes more effort.

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