Sunday, November 20, 2011

Home Team Pride

If you really know Shaun and I then you know we both love baseball.  What makes this a little more interesting is that our respective love is for rival teams.  I bleed Dodger Blue and Shaun is a Giant's fan.  There has been some name calling here and there but, overall, we've made it work.  In fact one of the only times we fight is when our teams play one another.

When we moved in together, I struggled with how I would decorate and somehow incorporate our love for our teams without seeming too one-sided.  I've already not so discreetly out my Ethier bobblehead on our bookshelf and I'm not sure how much more he could take.

Naturally and idea came to be while surfing the interwebs, mostly Etsy and Pinterest.  Those prints of hometown pride/ "home is where the heart is" are all the rage.
What if I could make something similar that included our love for our teams?  I'm not super computer savvy, so I was slightly intimidated.  However, this was as simple as using PowerPoint -- found an outline of California, filled in background with selected color, add text and shape. Ta-da!

I printed out our pictures and bought some fairly cheap frames from Kohls and there you have it!  I decided to surround the two larger 8x10 pictures with five 4x6 pictures of us at both ballparks.  I pretty happy with the results because it's not too easy to blend nice design and sports without looking a little crazy.  But hey, we're both a little crazy for our teams.

What do you think?

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