Monday, February 20, 2012

Life Lately: A Crazy Week in Februrary

Pardon my recent absence, but between Shaun's Day, V-day, friends visiting, and my 25th birthday, life has been more than a little crazy!  But, it's a welcome crazy.  I'll let this pictures do (most of) the the talking. 

Take a look at the crazy week:
Shaun's Day: His Birthday/Valentine's

Friends Visiting + a day in La Jolla

25th Birthday @ ShoutHouse (dueling piano bar!)
The Birthday Girls
Piano Embarrassment/ Hilarity

Sorry for the picture-heavy post, but I think I'm still recovering from the craziness...these old bones can't party like they used too ;)

In regards to my birthday, I'm so grateful for the friends who came from near and far to help me celebrate.  I also loved the phone calls, texts, and digital love from those that couldn't be physically with me but were still thinking of me.  A big thanks to everybody who made it a night for the books (and to mostly remember)!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks girl! So glad you came! and look we have an update picture together :) Thanks again for the prezzies; I LOVE my new coffee cup!
